Saturday, October 30, 2010

Another Explanation of Story Points

Story points seem to be the most misunderstood concept within Agile so I'm going to take my stab at helping others to understand what they are and their importance.

The typical question is: Why estimate user stories with these ambiguous and arbitrary things call story points when I can use hours which inherently make more sense to me?

Hours may make sense over story points at this very moment, but hopefully I'll be able to change your mind after you complete reading this article.

The major impediment to using hours is the variability between people and teams. I recently heard Jeff Sutherland state that a Yale University study has shown that what will take the best developer one hour to complete, the worst developer needs 10 hours to complete. When comparing best and worst teams that grows by an order of magnitude so an hour of the best teams translates to 2000 hour for the worst teams. The variability of hours is a real impediment and is typically a huge time consuming task on most projects.

Story points simplifies the estimation process by taking the developer/team variability out of the process by assigning a level of complexity to user stories. Many in the Agile community use a subset of the Fibonacci sequence as the units of measure; 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 and 45 per user story respectively. Think of story points as a more flexible version of assigning estimates as small, medium or large.

The story point estimation process begins by the team selecting the smallest user story and mutually agreeing on its complexity by assigning it a number from the Fibonacci subset of numbers. This user story is called the "keystone", meaning all other user story estimates are based on relative complexity to the keystone user story.

The byproduct of this is that upon sprint completion the team is able to report to the Product Owner in a more concise measurement of productivity - number of story points completed. The Product Owner sees things through the lens of project stories, features, etc. It makes more sense to communicate velocity, i.e. sprint productivity, in the form of story points than hours. Story points translate directly to what is manifested on screen when the working code is demonstrated and hours do not.

Here is an example of using hours as a measurement of sprint effectiveness. A team of four developers work on a project for a two week sprint. At 40hrs per week, the four developers have 320 hours of available time to work during the sprint. However, once the sprint is complete, their velocity shows that they only accomplished 60 hours of work based on the estimated hours assigned to the user stories they completed. That is a misleading depiction of productivity that leads to irrational conversation about whether the team is working hard enough.

Using story points, the team's velocity is expressed in terms of productivity related to the complexity of the tasks completed. For example, let's say the Product Owner knows in advance of the sprint that the team's goal is to complete 35 story points. At sprint completion, the effectiveness of the sprint is measured against the sprint goal and previous sprint velocities. Story point velocity is used to view the overall project productivity in terms of acceleration/deceleration, i.e. is velocity increasing or decreasing.

The Product Owner can also easily translate velocity into an estimated release date more easily than with estimated hours. As an example, if there are 350 total story points remaining in the product backlog, and the velocity of the team is at 35 story points per sprint, then the product backlog will be exhausted in 10 sprints.

Lastly, estimating projects is not only faster but more accurate than estimating in hours! Jeff Sutherland references two experiences related to this in one of his blog articles (read it here).

I hope this clears up what a story point is, why we use them, and provides a compelling reason to transition from hours to points.

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